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Mini Dental Implants Huntington Beach

mini dental implants huntington beachDentures are an unfortunate fact of life for many older Americans who have lost teeth to periodontal disease or severe decay. These restorations, which are used when an entire arch is missing, restore some of the patient’s ability to chew and eat, but patients often feel self-conscious about their appearance. Patients may also struggle to maintain a healthy diet with a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, which tend to be fibrous and difficult to chew. Our expert in mini dental implants in Huntington Beach offers an alternative: mini dental implants.

Dental implants have become more popular as patients have discovered just how many benefits they offer. Implants can significantly improve denture stability and prevent the resorption of bone tissue that is so common after tooth loss. This can help maintain your facial features and bone health. Unfortunately, inadequate bone tissue and other factors can affect a patient’s candidacy for traditional implants. Our Huntington Beach mini dental implants expert may instead recommend mini implants, which require less bone for stabilization while still offering many of the same benefits of traditional implants.

Huntington Beach Mini Dental Implants

Unlike traditional implants, which can take several months to place, our expert in mini dental implants in Huntington Beach can place and restore the mini implants in a single day. Four implants are placed at specific points in the jaw. The procedure is minimally invasive, which allows for better healing and reduced downtime. Once the implants are in place, the denture will be fitted with attachments that allow the restoration to be snapped into place over the mini implants. This means that you can leave your appointment with a brand-new smile.

Mini implants can dramatically improve retention and self-confidence while preserving bone density and restoring a patient’s ability to eat comfortably and speak clearly. You may be a candidate for mini implants if you lack sufficient bone tissue for traditional implants, if you are missing all the teeth in an arch and you want a secure, long-lasting solution. Contact our office today to find out more or to schedule your consultation with our Huntington Beach mini dental implants expert.